To celebrate 50 years of expert recruitment for qualified, professional and skilled people, employees from across Hays Asia have raised over £50,000 (USD63,000) for ten chosen charities and community projects in the region, such as Shelter Home for Children (Malaysia), Angels for Orphans (Hong Kong) and TELL Japan, The Library Project (Mainland China) and Asian Women's Welfare Association (Singapore).
In March 2018, Hays had set the nine-month fundraising target at £50,000 (USD63,000) for the 12 Hays offices in its Asian operating markets: Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Mainland China. Through 44 local fundraising activities and events across the region, Hays Asia had exceeded the original target by £3,148 (approx. USD4,000).
The proceeds collected by each Hays Asia country/region will benefit respective local charity partners, which will, in turn, provide help for orphans and underprivileged children, victims of domestic violence and low income communities.
Anna Vaughan, Head of People & Culture of Hays Asia, commented on the success of the initiative: “Nothing could be more meaningful than celebrating half a century of success by giving back to the community. Having well surpassed our original target in a relatively short amount of time is a true testament to the commitment of our people at Hays Asia in supporting the less fortunate. We are extremely proud to have teams who have come up with creative ways of raising funds for the needy, from climbing to the peak of Mount Kinabalu as a charity challenge to arranging a charity quiz night at a local bar.”
“Many of our consultants took it upon themselves to plan, organise and run these events for a good cause. At Hays, we give employees one working day a year for charitable work and many teams went above and beyond by devoting countless weekends to beat our target. It is through such dedication that much-needed funds are reaching the ill and destitute.”
“It is also extremely heartening to see that while we had our eyes on the fundraising target, we had not forgotten that charity is not all about the dollars and cents. Throughout the year, our teams had organised visits to the disadvantaged and offered their time through teaching English to underprivileged children in rural areas, sprucing up nursing homes, and donating winter clothes collected from a company-wide charity drive to low income families.”
Hays Asia’s Charity Partners and Projects:
• Mainland China: Bright Eyes, Cerecare, Social Society Charity Support, The Library Project, and Shanghai Sunrise
• Japan: TELL Japan
• Malaysia: Shelter Home for Children, Women's Aid Organisation (WAO)
• Singapore: Asian Women's Welfare Association
• Hong Kong: Angels for Orphans, Suits for Success
Hays Research
DNA Series
Uncovering the DNA of the Future Workplace