Hays salary checker

Enter your salary details below to see how your salary compares against those from the latest Hays Asia Salary Guide.

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Here's how your salary compares to your peers. If you would like to talk to a consultant about any aspect of your career, you can find your nearest Hays office here.


    Jobs you may be interested in

How much should I be earning in my Technology job?

There’s no doubt about it, employers need Technology skills, and they need them now. Your skills are in demand, but do you know their true worth? Our simple to use Salary Checker tool uses your job title and location to show you a high, typical and low salary comparison for Technology jobs around Malaysia.

Want to find out whether your current pay matches up to your peers? Maybe you want data to help build your case for your next pay rise. Or you might want an idea of what you could earn with the next step up in your career.

About Hays salary checker

Whether you are looking for a new job or a pay rise, it helps to understand what the typical Technology salaries are and what your potential earnings could be. 

Our salary checker tool allows you to quickly see the salaries for your Technology job, or job of interest. As a wage checker and pay guide tool, you can undertake a simple salary comparison and explore Technology salaries in Malaysia.

Our Hays salary checker provides you with quick access to salaries for your specific job role in your location.

For Technology professionals, our salary checker tool provides:

  • Quick access to the highest, typical and lowest salaries offered for your Technology job in your location.

  • Covering Technology jobs across Malaysia, Hays salary comparison tool provides instant insights on pay and salary benchmarking for your exact job and location.

  • A wage checker that allows you to confirm if you are getting paid what you’re worth. ​

​​The insights allow you to understand typical salaries for your role in today’s market, negotiate your next pay review or plan your career progression.

Download the Hays Salary Guide for Technology salaries in Malaysia

For more detailed salary benchmark insights, you can download our complete Hays Asia Salary Guide. Based on a salary survey of thousands of organisations and skilled professionals, it explores not just current salaries, but also hiring intentions, recruitment plans and staffing trends. It’s the most comprehensive salary survey in Malaysia today, offering trusted and unrivalled market salary rates.